P&M retinol night oil
好多人對retinol呢個字有好多誤解。其實retinol係咩嚟?Retinol 又稱視黃醇或者叫維他命A。呢個化學化合物對皮膚健康、牙齒礦化同骨骼生長係好重要。佢幾乎可以連接所有嘅皮膚細胞,叫佢哋乖乖地保持年輕同活躍。佢亦有抗氧化功能,可以中斷導致皺紋等衰老跡象嘅自由基損害。
Pestle & Mortar今次推出嘅Superstar Retinol Night Oil 有3個功能:
呢支retinol oil 係混合咗12種天然有機油,冷壓過程冇用熱力,確保Superstar内個12種油係乾淨、純潔亦保留到原有嘅營養同活性成份。細細樽就有齊維他命A, E, C & B, 同 Omega 3 & 6!佢同Hydrate面霜一樣,係愛爾蘭製造。今次嘅包裝用咗黑色,確保唔會影響到樽内嘅活躍成份。雖然而家我哋係夏天,但佢嘅質地唔會太lup,算係快吸收。我覺得冬天用會非常好。
1.羥基苯甲酸酯 (parabens)
2.礦物油 (mineral oil)
3.矽氧烷 (silicones)
4.硫酸酯 (sulphates)
5.丙二醇與合成香料 (propylene & synthetic fragrance)
HydroxyPinacolne Retinoate (一種視黃醇)
Grape Seed Oil (葡萄籽油)
Rose Hip Oil (玫瑰果油)
Carrot Seed Oil (胡蘿蔔籽油)
Sunflower Oil (葵花籽油)
Calendula Flower Oil (金盞花油)
Tamanu/ Foraha Oil(瓊崖海棠油)
Avocado Oil(鱷梨油)
Black Currant Oil (黑加侖油)
Pomegranate Oil (石榴油)
Black Cumin Seed Oil (黑孜然籽油)
Jojoba Oil(荷荷巴油)
Cranberry Oil(蔓越莓油)
它在護膚界比較新,但蔓越莓籽油有Omega 3,6和9。呢個quality幫助肌膚吸收和保留水分而一啲都唔油膩!
Pestle & Mortar 超級孖寶
第1樣係 Pestle & Mortar ( P&M) 嘅皇牌精華。唔好見佢細細樽咁,其實你用2-3滴已經可以搽晒成面,仲超級快吸收!搽完塊面好乾爽,唔怕lup。
透明質酸係我哋人體自然產生嘅碳水化合物。佢算係最水性嘅分子,所以被稱爲‘nature's moisturizer’ 。人體幾乎每一個細胞都會發現透明質酸。最多最集中係喺我哋皮膚組織度搵到-有50%咁多!佢哋喺深層真皮同見光嘅表皮層搵到。透明質酸可以保持皮膚持續濕潤係因為綁住高達1000倍重量嘅水份喺皮膚上。咁隨著年齡嘅增長,皮膚嘅能力,皮膚產生嘅透明質酸亦慢慢降低。
第2樣產品係佢哋啱啱推出嘅 hydrate 面霜。佢質地唔厚,搽上面好容易推開,好快吸收。塊面唔怕lup 亦好保濕。
見到呢啲好處已經覺得好正!佢包裝用 " airless container" 一個密不透風嘅包裝。呢個真係要加分因為呢個包裝可以確保面霜保持新鮮,無細菌入侵。佢成份係無:
1.羥基苯甲酸酯 (parabens)
2.礦物油 (mineral oil)
3.矽氧烷 (silicones)
4.硫酸酯 (sulphates)
5.丙二醇與合成香料 (propylene & synthetic fragrance)
用開呢2樣產品真係以後都唔洗換!佢哋已經係我daily skincare routine嘅家人。
hyaluronic acid
my secret cosmetics
pestle & mortar
Pestle & Mortar Serum
Hey guys! long time no chat! I've been quite busy right our second store opening since we have to do x'mas sets for the store. Now that everything kind of settled, I have time to do a product review post.
I got the Pestle & Mortar serum recently and have been using it since. I don't remember how I found this brand but that's not the point :p. They only have one product but added a new product a few days ago. First of all, I LOVE THEIR PACKAGING!! It's so simple, yet super elegant. The serum is 30mL and it states that it "hydrates and soothes even the most sensitive skin while smoothing fine lines and restoring youthful elasticity". It "targets fine lines, dullness, and dehydration restoring a healthy glow, plumpness and radiance." It is 1--% free of animal derived raw materials and organic solvent remnants, paraben free, propylene glycol free, fragrance free and not tested on animals! It contains hyaluronic acid and is super lightweight.
If you have been reading my blogs, you know that I don't like anything that's stick on my skin for a long time. I like products that absorb quickly and leave my skin feeling fresh yet hydrating. When I first tried this serum on, OMG! It absorbs into my skin in seconds and it doesn't feel greasy at all! My skin felt fresh but definitely felt plumped! I usually use 2 drops each time and that will be enough to cover my whole entire face and neck. It spreads so easily! I can't say how much I am in love with this serum. Honestly, I think I might have found the "ONE".
My Secret 2nd store is OPENED!!
Hey guys!!
Sorry, I haven't been updating myself lately. Joanne and I have been busy with our second store opening, which happened on the 29th of November!!
We are so glad to be able to have our second store in 2 years! Thank you guys for showing your love to us and supporting us throughout these years! Joanne and I couldn't be more merrier. Below are some of the pictures from the opening. ENJOY!!! We hope to see you at our new store soon!


I have recently found out this brand called STAR SKIN. This is brand focuses on natural ingredient masks from Netherlands. The Bio-Cellulose sheet mask is made with naturally fermented coconut juice. The fibers of the mask will adhere to your face like a second skin and it infuses the ingredients into your skin quickly. The Bio-Cellulose material is air permeable so your face can actually breathe when you have your mask on! Each of the masks have 30mL of serum and it is without paraben, mineral oil, sulfate and alcohol. it is also hypoallergenic so people with sensitive skin can also use this. They have 6 Bio-Cellulose sheet masks, one soft peeling exfoliating puff and two double layer masks for feet and hands.
They are sold 1 per pack and the price is higher than average I would say. I got mine in asos the other day - 1 eye mask, 1 hydrating facial mask, 1 hand mask and 1 foot mask.
I tried their hands and feet mask yesterday night after my shower.
The hand mask has a double layer technology, so it has a sauna effect so the serum can absorb easily. The 30mL serum hand mask has hydrating Shea Butter and a blend of 16 botanical ingredients such as Goji Berry, Olive Oil, Licorice Root, Peony Root and Macadamia Nut to nourish, heal, moisture and brighten your hands.
The gloves are connected together to prevent messiness when you open the mask.
As you can see, there's a layer within the first layer for your hands to slip in. The opening does not have serum so the serum will not drip out after you tape your hands!
During the 20 minutes, I am still able to use my phone and computer, which is very convenient. It doesn't really bother me too much. After the 20 minutes, I took the mask out. The instruction said to massage the serum until it's all absorbed into your skin but I went to wash it off because I feel like the serum is too thick and a little sticky. I don't think I am able to rub all that in. My hand does feel a little brighter and soft. ( I asked my hubby to feel it and he said it's softer than before)
The feet mask has the same concept as the hand mask. It supposes to relieves swelling and cools tired feet. It has Urea and a blend of 19 botanical ingredients such as Peony Root, Rosemary, Acerola Berry, Green Tea, Safflower, Grape to renew, project and rejuvenate your feet.
I was able to put my feet under blanket and walk on the floor while the mask was on, which is convenient as well! I hate it when I couldn't do much in that 20 minutes. Same as the hand mask, the opening of the mask does not have serum so it would not drip anywhere. After the 20 minutes, I also went to wash off the serum because it's too thick and sticky. My feet felt smoother and not as dry after the mask.
Overall, I think both of the mask are not bad. The sticky issue could possibly be the weather. Since this brand is from Netherlands, the weather over there is much dryer and colder, so a thicker serum is more suitable for them. Here in Macau is the opposite. So I am not going to talk too much on this point! Will I buy it again? Maybe, I don't normally use hand and feet mask so I can't really say. The price though, is a little bit on the high side for one. If you convert it back to MOP, the hand and feet mask is $85. Their sheet mask is around $100!! I mean, there are a lot of different brands of sheet mask out there you can try. If you are on budget, then this mask is not for you. If you want to try this and can afford it, I think you can give it a try!
facial mask
product review
Evie 秋季新產品
1.3色玫瑰美肌花水 Rose Hydramist Toning Water
2.3色玫瑰凍齢精華 180 Rewind Miracle Serum
3.千妍萬語玫瑰金唇膜 Luna Rose Lip Therapy
4.紫醉金迷薰芳唇膜 Luna Lavender Lip Therapy
花水係限量嘅,我即刻攞枝上手!佢成份係100%有機玫瑰花水!係一枝滿載80朵玫瑰精華嘅花水!每一年6月幾盛放嘅大馬士革玫瑰會以人手採摘,然後攞去以雙重蒸餾法造成呢枝花水。真係多謝每一位清早上保加利亞山丘嘅師父!! 我洗完面都會噴咗花水上面,等佢吸受晒先用其它產品。一噴就聞到超香嘅玫瑰味,好舒服。
而佢新嘅精華成份有大馬士革玫瑰、保濕抗氧嘅白玫瑰、祛紋嘅岩玫瑰精華同金箔,注入有更生作用嘅玫瑰果籽油!聽見已經好想買。呢枝精華有好多維他命,胡蘿蔔素、抗氧化物去幫你保濕、改善膚色、淡化色斑、撫平細紋!佢啲金箔亦唔少!雖然佢係油性精華,但係搽完上面好快吸收,一啲都唔lup! 我比較鐘意清爽嘅產品我都覺得ok !啱晒秋冬嘅季節。
佢個2個唇膜每晚都會用因爲佢非常滋潤!第2日起身個咀好滑!佢哋2款都有金箔,一個係保加利亞薰衣草,另一個係奧圖玫瑰。成份有有機蜂蠟,蓖麻油、有機乳木果油、維他命 A-K、橄欖角鯊烯同24K食用金箔。真係好滋潤!
全線Evie產品在My Secret有售.
地址: 澳門漁人碼頭西班牙館II 02鋪
電話: (853)2855-8370
wechat: (853)6299-8830
網上購物: www.mysecret-cosmetics.com
1.3色玫瑰美肌花水 Rose Hydramist Toning Water
2.3色玫瑰凍齢精華 180 Rewind Miracle Serum
3.千妍萬語玫瑰金唇膜 Luna Rose Lip Therapy
4.紫醉金迷薰芳唇膜 Luna Lavender Lip Therapy
花水係限量嘅,我即刻攞枝上手!佢成份係100%有機玫瑰花水!係一枝滿載80朵玫瑰精華嘅花水!每一年6月幾盛放嘅大馬士革玫瑰會以人手採摘,然後攞去以雙重蒸餾法造成呢枝花水。真係多謝每一位清早上保加利亞山丘嘅師父!! 我洗完面都會噴咗花水上面,等佢吸受晒先用其它產品。一噴就聞到超香嘅玫瑰味,好舒服。
而佢新嘅精華成份有大馬士革玫瑰、保濕抗氧嘅白玫瑰、祛紋嘅岩玫瑰精華同金箔,注入有更生作用嘅玫瑰果籽油!聽見已經好想買。呢枝精華有好多維他命,胡蘿蔔素、抗氧化物去幫你保濕、改善膚色、淡化色斑、撫平細紋!佢啲金箔亦唔少!雖然佢係油性精華,但係搽完上面好快吸收,一啲都唔lup! 我比較鐘意清爽嘅產品我都覺得ok !啱晒秋冬嘅季節。
佢個2個唇膜每晚都會用因爲佢非常滋潤!第2日起身個咀好滑!佢哋2款都有金箔,一個係保加利亞薰衣草,另一個係奧圖玫瑰。成份有有機蜂蠟,蓖麻油、有機乳木果油、維他命 A-K、橄欖角鯊烯同24K食用金箔。真係好滋潤!
全線Evie產品在My Secret有售.
地址: 澳門漁人碼頭西班牙館II 02鋪
電話: (853)2855-8370
wechat: (853)6299-8830
網上購物: www.mysecret-cosmetics.com
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